Are you looking for a chance to contribute some time to a growing organization and a sport that you (or your child) loves? If so, we would love to have you.
Community sport is supported primarily by communities themselves. Over 5.3 million Canadians volunteer as coaches, officials, and organizers ... and like the Guelph Ringette Association, 73% of sport organizations have no paid employees at all and rely heavily on our volunteers. (Source: What Sport Can Do, True Sport Report)
Below is a list of specific roles and responsibilities that the GRA is seeking. If you possess a particular skill that isn't mentioned, we would love to hear from you. Contact any member of the Executive to explore the possibilities and discuss the type of activity you have an interest in supporting.
Executive Board Positions
Committee Members:
Please email the corresponding director. We are always looking for helpers. Everyone has a unique skill set and brings fresh ideas. Everyone is welcome. You can find our Executive list here.
About the GRA Executive Board
Our Executive Board meets once a month (evenings) and you do not have to be part of the Executive to join the meetings or participate in volunteer activities. If you are interested in learning more about who we are and what we do, please contact us.
Explore our governance and the responsibilities of the Executive roles through our Constitution.
It's always more fun when you are involved!